System Approach to Instructional Design

System Approach to Instructional Design


A system is assembling of various elements/parts/components in a way to interact to accomplish a pre-set goal. In other words, when different elements/parts/components are assembled to work in desired way is called system e.g. Watch, Eco-system, Digestive System, Mobile etc. To clarify more, mobile is a system which is an integral part of our lives these days. But if we separate all the parts of mobile and open it up, it would not work for us. It is a system only when the all of its parts are assembled in a proper manner to work in desired way. This rule is applicable every time when we use the word system either in sciences, psychology, other disciplines or your day to day life. System Approach to Instructional Design is following above system in school education.


Approach is the way of dealing with a situation or problem. Thus, system approach is, we can say, dealing with the situation in a way where we follow a system. It is not hard to understand the meaning of system approach. We just need to understand two words together i.e system and approach.

System approach is, where, to solve a problem or to accomplish a goal, we understand the situation, hypothesize the desired outcome (defining objectives), select the components (Material and aids) to be used, define the place and roles of components/parts, pre-define the steps to be taken (process).

System Approach to Instructional Design

During Second World War, System approach word was first used. In education and behavioural sciences, it was being used little later. Initially the system was known as the composition of hardware and the components of environment in geography etc. But later behavioural psychologists started using this term at different places to define how human behaves, thinks and reacts. And this is how it came in the field of learning and education from psychology.

Learning has defined in various ways by different psychologists and educationists, but the most accepted meaning of leaning is change in behavior or cognitive structure of an individual. To bring out desired positive change in an individual is called education.

Learning can take place in different ways as formal or informal. Informal learning is acquainted by the individual at her own through the surrounding environment in which one live. All the animals including human being learn his/her living on her own in the environment. They are just observed and guide by their elders.

But, in human life formal learning and education has great. To provide the formal learning, instructions are being given to the individual. And these instructions are designed or prepared in advanced. For instance, the syllaby of each class is always found pre-structured.

I believe that sometimes we are surrounded by the examples but could not recognize. Therefore, I first shall talk about the examples of System Approach to Instructional Design which we all are aware with but unable to recall or recollect.

Lets me categorize the examples in two parts:

1) Macro level Instructional Designs
2) Micro level Instructional Designs

Macro level instructional designs

1) Syllabus:

If we observe the sequence of syllabus of any standard we find an order of teaching, time duration to be given to each topic, an evaluation scheme and so many other things. It is the best way to understand the instructional design for any teacher. For this review any of the syllabus in your access.

2) Text-Books:

The text books specially designed by NCERT are available on epathshala

3) CBSE instructional guide during conducting various examinations

It easy to say and expect easy to understand for you people that, to prepare an instructional design we follow system approach. Here, we also can say that system approach is a method to design instructions for expected behavioural modification and modification in cognitive structure (leaning outcomes) of an individual.

There are various models of development of instructional Design i.e. ADDIE. Dick and Carey Model, Mason’s, Gegne’s nine events of instructions, Five-E’s of Constructivism and so on.

Micro level instructional design will be discussed very soon.

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